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Geschrieben und Bearbeitet von Nikita Noemi Rothenbächer 2019
Es wird immer schwerer, Hass und Unwahrheiten wie Diskriminierung zu entgehen In Zeiten von Fake News, Social Bots und Hate-Speech glauben wir mehr denn je daran, dass Seiten wie wichtige Rolle spielen.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to escape hatred and falsehoods such as discrimination In times of fake news, social bots and hate speech, we believe more than ever that sites like play an important role.
Importance of solidarity?
1. Unconditional celebration together with someone based on the same points of view and objectives2. The feeling of union and mutual defense.
Yesterday I wrote to some activists who have solidarity in their hearts!
The first thing that spoke to me from the heart was that solidarity is like a good song, everything that is good has no limits!
There are no barriers, there is no border!
The feeling of justice to fight can become an obsession. Every human being has the same rights, neither the color of the skin nor the descent, nor religion or faith, can obstruct this!
"Parallelism Union Conscience Community Consistency Equality Camaraderie Equality Community Spirit Consensus Uniformity", Any of these words, describes a unique and universal desire, achieving equivalence, the right to the development of personality!
Meaning: solidarity
Unity loyalty solidarity connectivity
The union The public spirit, and that ladies and gentlemen should or should be clear to all citizens of the earth!
When injustice becomes law, resistance is always a must!
I know, many people will not understand, but that's exactly what these activists are for, because they go beyond the one-dimensional, starting from the inside in search of explanations.
You can see that you are not only scared, but there are many who have this feeling! But exactly this lacks the courage to question, this is often due to knowledge or education and religion!
These problems are not related to a specific country, no, this problem affects everyone!
Each country has its laws, as well as its culture, its own moral concept!
Transsexuality or transsexualism (from the Latin trans = through, beyond, and sexus = sex (steep)) refers to an incomplete identification of a person with the gender that others assigned to him. This sexual incongruence is often described as "born in the wrong body", although the affected person is concerned about the sexual characteristics of the body. After an incorrect assignment, the desire for gender equality measures may also arise for the affected person.
According to the WHO definition, transsexuality is the desire to live and be recognized as a relative of another gender.
All these are great words written by connoisseurs!
Induvidedal, how do you explain it to your mother as a father without hurting her?
How to explain it to society, or at school, their work, a difficult question, with which many can not cope?
Activists give some answers on these difficult questions!
Activists think of others before you think of Himself!
Thanks are rare, because they benefit from your work, but forget that it requires a lot of research work!
In we are seeing the activities in Spain, especially in Ganaria and Andalucía!
Activists for human rights, for minorities, who do an excellent job!
In we consider it a must to say thank you!
Because if the activists have to do their work because of internal necessity, it is also because the state is failing!
Therefore from Germany, with all my heart "thank you"!
Please remain in your fight for equal rights!
Greetings Nikita Noemi Rothenbächer
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