Mittwoch, 28. Juli 2021

USA: hate crimes reach 10-year high! /// USA: Hassverbrechen erreichen 10-Jahres-Hoch!, Homophobe Hassverbrechen haben sich in DC. seit Trump verdreifacht!

 USA: hate crimes reach 10-year high!

USA: Hassverbrechen erreichen 10-Jahres-Hoch!, Homophobe Hassverbrechen haben sich in DC. seit Trump verdreifacht!

The rhetoric of the US President and his administration, the sharp increase in hate groups and that racism and LGBTI + hostility on the part of politicians - especially the Republicans - are barely defied are factors that have led the number of hate crimes to renewed in the past year 10-year highs despite the fact that crime has otherwise been on the decline. The most common groups of victims are LGBTI +, blacks and Jews ...

Internationally, hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity are on the rise, and the US is no exception. According to several studies, this strong increase in the USA is not least a “merit” of the Trump administration. The latest polls by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism (CSHE) at California State University San Bernardino even show a new 10-year high for so-called hate crimes, at least in those 30 cities in the United States that were examined.

The numbers reported from these cities are sometimes worrying. An increase of nine percent to 2009 individual cases was recorded within a year. According to the authors of the study, this corresponds to the strongest increase since 2015 and the fifth increase in a row. The report underlines that these are only hate crimes, as the number of other crimes is falling in the cities surveyed.

The most common victims of hate crimes were LGBTI +, Jews and blacks. Most of the murders that motivated hate were white nationalists and right-wing extremists, and the majority of them happened around the midterm elections in November 2018. According to the report, half of the victims were anti-Semitically motivated murders acted. This made 2018 the year with the highest number of murders of Jews in these cities. This trend of increased hate crimes is likely to continue this year, the authors are certain, as the 2020 election campaign begins and other factors such as international conflict, terrorism and the heated rhetoric will also contribute.

Hate crimes have also increased sharply in Great Britain, not least because of the politically heated climate surrounding Brexit. There the numbers have doubled in the past four years ...

USA: Homophobic hate crimes have risen in DC. tripled since Trump!

Homophobia and transphobia are also spreading in the American capital: since Donald Trump took office, anti-LGBTI + hate crimes in Washington DC have tripled. They already account for around half of all hate crimes reported to the police ...

It is hardly surprising, but the current figures published by the Metro Police in Washington DC are still shocking. While 20 cases of hate crimes with a homophobic background were reported when Donald Trump took office in 2016, there were 56 in 2017, and last year there were 61 more.

The numbers are similar for transphobic hate crimes. In 2016 there were 19 acts, then in 2017 it fell to 13, before the number shot up to 36 last year. As the Metro Police also reports, those crimes with a homophobic or transphobic background already account for around half of all hate crimes in the city.

For Monica Palacio, director of the D.C. Office of Human Rights, it is clear that Donald Trump is partly to blame for the development. In the last 25 years it has always been shown that if a political role model spreads homophobia, that also affects how people treat each other, says Palacio. The president actively campaigned to tear down the protection of the LGBTI + community, be it in the military or at work.

This year in particular, the American LGBTI + organizations want to join forces again to draw attention to the problem of the widespread homophobia and transphobia, as it is the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots in New York and the beginning of the modern LGBTI + movement ...


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