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I was born with a body variation that affects approximately 1 in 5,000 people. Those of us born with this type of body variation have 46,XX chromosomes, ovaries, vulva and clitoris, but the uterus is usually absent and in many cases the vagina is also absent. Many people who were born with bodies like mine are having surgery to build the vagina, and uterus transplants are also being perfected. Other people decide not to modify their bodies. Both options are correct. What is not acceptable is the practice of performing vaginal construction surgeries without the person's informed consent. That is what happened to me, and it is what has happened to many other people with the same body variation. In many cases -for example, in mine- that first surgery was followed by others, and by mechanical dilations of the neovaginal canal to prevent it from closing. The combination of one or more non-consensual surgeries and non-selected vaginal dilations is painful, traumatic and iatrogenic (that is, it is a "treatment" that produces negative health consequences). People who were born with this body variation identify ourselves in different ways; the vast majority, as women; There are also those who identify as lesbians, as non-binary people and, as in my case, as men. In many cases, we also identify ourselves as intersex people and, in many other cases, we do not. All the options are correct. Those of us who carry out intersex activism based on the experience of being born with this type of body variation, including those of us who underwent body normalization interventions, fight so that no person is subjected to surgeries and/or dilations without their consent, so that those who have suffered them have access to the truth of what happened to them, to rehabilitation (that is, to the possibility of dealing with the consequences of what happened), and to reparation. We also fight so that other people born with this body variation have access to information that does not stigmatize or pathology them, that they can decide about their own body and that whatever decision they make is respected and guaranteed by the State, and so that they enjoy fully their sexual and reproductive rights. Why don't we ask for an X in the document heading? For several reasons: 1. Because this type of body variation, like many others, is only discovered at puberty. 2. Because being born without a uterus and/or without a vagina does not make any person non-binary, without sex, with an indefinite or indeterminate sex. 3. Because to maintain that it is the F on the birth certificate that promotes the violation of our human rights is to maintain that assigning it to the female sex justifies the violation of the human rights of individuals. People who were born with this bodily variation, like all people, have the right to our bodily integrity regardless of the sex that has been assigned to us and regardless of the gender in which we later identify ourselves. In other words: THERE IS NO MEDICAL OR LEGAL SEX CLASSIFICATION THAT JUSTIFIES VIOLENCE AGAINST SOMEONE'S BODY. 4. Surgical and mechanical interventions that affect people born with this type of body variation, as well as those that affect people born with other types of body variations, are not based on registry criteria. NO PERSON IS OPERATED BECAUSE OF WHAT THEIR BIRTH CERTIFICATE SAYS. It intervenes to "normalize" on the basis of body, sexual and gender stereotypes. 5. Even if an X were placed in the entry, and even if the category of sex were eliminated, violations of the human rights of people born with variations of sexual characteristics would continue to occur, UNLESS OUR INTEGRITY IS EXPLICITLY PROTECTED CORPORAL THROUGH PROHIBITING "NORMALIZING" INTERVENTIONS. There are always those who ask why, if all this is so, there are so many people who insist that the solution stops with X. It's easy: because X is a registry solution*, and does not require facing the medical corporation or dismantling medical violence against intersex bodies - which is precisely what is needed. ****** * Imagine that to avoid obstetric violence, it is proposed to put a P on the DNI of each person who is going to give birth so that the hospital knows that they must respect their human rights. Do you think it would work?
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