Dienstag, 5. Juli 2022

Wer wissen möchte, ob jemand eine autoritäre oder eine emanzipierte Weltsicht hat, schaut sich am Besten einfach mal an, wer sich für oder gegen körperliche Selbstbestimmung einsetzt.

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Wer wissen möchte, ob jemand eine autoritäre oder eine emanzipierte Weltsicht hat, schaut sich am Besten einfach mal an, wer sich für oder gegen körperliche Selbstbestimmung einsetzt. 
Zu den Themen, bei denen diese Frage auftaucht gehören: Medizinische Zwangsmassnahmen, Sexwork, Abtreibung und Transsexualität. Der Körper ist das Metathema. Vereinfacht kann man folgendes sagen: Wer bei allen Themen ein Problem mit Selbstbestimmung hat, besitzt eine echte autoritäre Weltanschauung (früher nannte man das "rechts"). Wer bei allen Themen das Menschenrecht, also die Rechte des einzelnen Menschen betont und sich für Selbstbestimmung einsetzt, ist egalitär (früher nannte man das "links"). Und wer zwischen den Themen oben unterscheidet und sich mal so mal so positioniert? Der ist gekauft. Hey everything ok with you or not awake yet? What is a rational thinking person? According to Whole Brain® Thinking, those who approach work analytically and experimentally are called " thinkers". Your solutions to problems are logical and cognitive, the basis for your decisions relates to numbers, data and facts. They rely less on gut feeling or intuition. Well that's how I would describe myself, because time is relative, think I've got enough to keep my brain busy! Rational means rational, purposeful thinking and acting. The so-called ratio thus describes how the rational mind works: Not intuitively (from the gut), but - synonymous with - calculating, weighing, analytical, logical, justified. What is the opposite of rational? The opposite of rationality is the irrational, a state or action that is not supported by reasonable reasons (affects, wishful thinking, abnormal mental states, e.g.)! In order to be able to think rationally, you should also free yourself from all prejudices and sympathies. Don't think of the other people involved in the problem as persons, just as factors. So you can think without prejudice. The more important the decisions, the more rational the argumentation. But our feelings have already sent the decisive impulse when the debate is still going on. Neuroresearch has long known what our minds may not even suspect. The news. Economic policy. We hear factual speeches. But in reality, the reports should be something like: "The CEO had a feeling about it and that's why it's going to be done this way, that's it." Why? This is what neuroresearch has found out. The brain researcher Benjamin Libet, for example, discovered that even before we are aware of what we are thinking and how we are acting, our brain has already decided what we are doing. And now it comes: on the basis of feelings. Harvard researchers also found that an emotional response is almost twice as fast as a rational one - 220 milliseconds faster, to be precise. That means: while the rational mind is still working, our gut feeling has already decided. What's more, our brain processes emotions a million times faster than rational arguments. Specifically, the Bremen brain researcher Gerhard Roth determined that our subconscious, which is also responsible for our emotions, processes several million pieces of information per second. However, the consciousness in which the rational mind resides only achieves 0.1 percent of this. Briefly summarized: Our subconscious, which processes our emotions, makes decisions before the rational mind is even aware of it. Or to put it another way: the gut always decides faster than the head. The emotional subconscious is the boss in the head and worlds more powerful than the rational mind. What does that mean in practical terms? Emotions are more persuasive than any rational argument. They only serve to justify the emotional decisions afterwards. This also applies to decisions against or for your brand. Ok, so I interpret it very modestly, but if honestly, who of you has ever thought about it? Best wishes to you, Nikita Noemi

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