Again and again it is cheaply announced in regulars' table discussions that only Putin has to "go", then the lateral relations would stabilize again of their own accord and the war would be over. However, this is pure wishful thinking, which probably cannot be surpassed in terms of naivety and political ignorance. First of all, it must be assumed that Vladimir Putin is not an ultra-national hardliner, even if the Western media would have us believe it. Unlike many sections of the Muscovite clique in the Kremlin, he acts calculatingly and, to a large extent at least, follows logic. This applies to the invasion of Ukraine as well as to the associated goals, namely the establishment of a geostrategic security zone under Russian influence, combined with preventing further NATO expansion in Central Europe. One could have guessed at the geostrategic move of the war in Ukraine if one had listened to Putin's words at the 43rd Munich Security Conference in 2007. Perhaps this was done by the American side, and they accepted that war in the heart of Europe in their own interests.
For me, and I attach particular importance to this, it is by no means about justifying a war, no matter who initiates it. But every country has security interests - and at least since the US-sponsored coup in Ukraine and massive arms deliveries from the US side, it was clear that Moscow would have to react in some way - especially since Ukraine has done everything possible to tighten it up contribute to the conflict. After all, from 2014 onwards, the Ukrainian eastern territories were systematically under fire from both sides - in violation of Minsk II on both sides. The US covert intervention, which went down in the history books under the name "Euromaidan", was preceded by Yanukovych's rejection of the association agreement with the EU, which would also have gone hand in hand with the establishment of a common, EU- and thus NATO-centric security architecture. It is logical that Russia could not accept this under any circumstances. Additional provocations in the form of military maneuvers and constant flanking of the EU's external border by AWACS reconnaissance aircraft, as well as the stationing of an outdated anti-missile shield in north-eastern Poland, also deliberately contributed to the digging of diplomatic trenches. The establishment of a viable European security architecture, detached from the USA and characterized by cooperation with Russia, had failed since Munich at the latest, even though Putin had made repeated offers of cooperation in this regard. But back to the persona of Putin himself. Ever since his second term in office at the latest, he has been under pressure to the extent that the national military in particular felt threatened by US imperialism and offended as a great power. Many of them wished for an even tougher stance against the hated West, whose only interest in their eyes was and still is to stay on course with America. So if Putin were to disappear, one would first have to anticipate a dangerously unstable power vacuum from which a much more radical wing could, and probably would, emerge. Because in the Kremlin there are a large number of camps, quite a few of which are determined by an orthodox nationalist agenda. It is therefore very difficult to name a potential Putin successor. I still want to try. Lavrow could serve as an interim solution, who would score points because of his years of experience in the Russian people on the one hand, but also because of his good network. On the other hand, Medvedev has already proven himself in the presidency, but is even more dependent on a "leading hand", which would undoubtedly play into the hands of the military. But one might also have to consider more radical names such as that of the Chechen fighter Kadyrov, as well as the name Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is not only worth billions but is also the head of the powerful Wagner squad. Prigozhin stayed in the background for a while. Another candidate could be former Deputy Prime Minister and current Moscow Mayor Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin. All in all, it remains reading in the coffee grounds. However, linking the condition of peace in Ukraine to the disappearance of Putin also neglects the fact that the interests of a war in Ukraine lie not only with Russia, but also with the United States. We must not forget that the US is killing two birds with one stone with a military standoff on Europe's eastern flank. So they take advantage of the resulting opportunity; expensive and dirty frackin ggas, on the other hand they benefit from stagflation (sensu Hans-Werner Sinn), i.e. the stagnating commodity chains coupled with high demand and a high rate of inflation. While the USA is benefiting from the Ukraine war with a substantial economic plus, Europe's attractiveness as a trading and living area is being permanently weakened, and not only the USA, but also Russia are shifting their geopolitical focus. Because for the Russians, China is becoming more and more attractive as a reliable trading partner, precisely because projects such as the "New Silk Road" promise additional profit potential. Nevertheless, the Russians have lost a reliable trading partner with Europe – probably for decades – but at the same time an important diplomatic partnership that bore fruit in the post-war years. So while Russia tries to compensate for its losses as much as possible, the USA can feel certain that they have given the Russians in Ukraine their second Afghanistan - although unfortunately Putin, and therein lies his cardinal error, got involved in this war in the first place. The real losers in this war are, of course, first and foremost its countless victims - on the Ukrainian side, but also on the Russian side. What we all need is not a double-moral policy of transatlantic vassals who don't give a damn about the interests of either the Ukrainians or the Europeans. Its morality is in fact double-dealing, as it measures the quality of warlike interventions around the world by various standards. And that's the drama: In all these years they haven't understood how to make policies in the interests of the people, they are driven by a pseudo-moral sense of mission instead of noble interests, industry spokesman for US imperialism. What must now be avoided at all costs is pushing Russia into a kind of national protectionism. France, for example, provides ways of how this can succeed despite an EU-legitimized sanctions policy, which by no means renounces the supply of Russian uranium for its nuclear power plants. We must never forget that Russia is an equally important trading partner for us and that its concerns and interests affect us in a direct way, since they are close to our hearts, both geographically and historically.Informationen über das alltägliche von Selbstbestimmung und Persönlichkeits_Entfaltung!
Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2022
Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2022
Cancer or disease knows no holidays. Wow what a way
Wow what a way
Only those who go their own way cannot be overtaken by anyone. That's how I still think today and honestly it's not surprising, with everything you see here. Do not go where the path may lead, but go where there is no path and leave a trail. Nor is it a way to peace, because peace is the way. The worst way to choose is not to choose. And if I'm honest about what I am, many a right decision only came about because the path to the wrong one wasn't clear! Think saying that, well, that's a bit of courage, isn't it? But if you know your goal, you will find the way, our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The surest way to succeed is always to try again. You can also build something beautiful out of stones that are placed in your way. And that doesn't always have to do with the visible, but apart from your name, what would you like to leave behind that is permanent! And that includes the knowledge, don't always go on the predetermined path, which only leads to where others have already gone. However, I know from experience that when you take a wrong turn, the faster you go, the more lost you become. Many roads lead to wealth, and most of them are dirty. I haven't failed - I've discovered 10,000 ways that didn't work. So a lot of experience richer, without which I would complain about it. If the way seems endless and suddenly nothing wants to go anymore, then you mustn't hesitate. The way of the spirit is the detour, many are stubborn about the path once taken, few about the goal. The experience is like a lantern in the back; it only illuminates the part of the way that we have already covered. And if we were honest, we would know that man has three ways of acting wisely: by reflection is the noblest, by imitation is the simplest, by experience is the bitterest. There are no signposts at the crossroads of life. In any case, you will miss one thing when you reach the goal of your dreams: your hiking to the goal. And never forget, we should never lose sight, that the road to tyranny begins with the destruction of truth. Best of all though, "There's only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, be nothing," and that's never been my thing, why should it? "Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited," In all things hope is better than despair. It's just a better way to live. Sometimes nothing happens for a long time, and then everything happens at once. The deed distinguishes the goal from the dream, some things only become good when we let them be. Do what you love and love what you do because life is too short for ever. So I will do what I like without any questions, just like that, no one asks. Is there still a long way to go? Let go of things that hurt you. And spend your time with people who are good for you. Life is like a dandelion, when the time comes everyone has to fly on alone. In this sense you only the best mfg Nikita Noemi RothenbächerFreitag, 23. Dezember 2022
A lot of writing is little thought, let's think of all the old and lonely
Does the human brain mix truth and fantasy when remembering? even if they are the most improbable imaginings. This is what American psychologists report at the symposium of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. But people think you all know it, or have heard about it, write from : You feel sick, but your doctor can't find an organic cause? You don't want to be labeled as an "imaginary sick person" or as mentally vulnerable? The body can react to stress, anger and fear with anything from a headache to an irritable bowel syndrome. Each organ introduces itself in this book and explains why it reacts with complaints. If you listen to what your head, heart, stomach or back say, you come much closer to solving the problem. The researchers led by Elizabeth Loftus from the University of California had considered the following experiment: Study participants had to do everyday things together with rather unusual ones: for example, toss a coin and then crush a chocolate heart with a dental floss container. Later, the subjects were asked to use their imaginations to imagine what else they had done that day: kissing frogs and similar bizarre things. Some time later, the psychologists asked the participants what they did that day. 15 percent said they actually did what they imagined. With this, Loftus shows that even the most bizarre actions can be proven true ? and not just everyday things as has been proven in other studies. The psychologist has been investigating for thirty years how much "false truths" can solidify in our brain as reality. Such results are particularly important when it comes to false statements in court and people testifying to things that only happened in their imagination. Why am I writing about this topic? This morning I heard on the radio that a telephone had been set up for lonely people, which was not considered, whole old people and nursing home inmates are calling, everything is overloaded! What Fails? This is how it is in many areas in today's Germany. What you imagine in your imagination affects your body and its organs. The following experiment aims to illustrate this fact impressively. To run the experiment: Imagine that you have a beautiful yellow and juicy lemon in front of you. Imagine that you are holding it and smelling it. You can smell the sourness through the peel. Now imagine cutting the lemon in half. The lemon juice spills out. You pick up half and smell it again. Now you can smell the acid much more clearly. And now imagine you take a hearty bite of the lemon. Now please do this imagination exercise. Close your eyes and imagine the above. What self-awareness have you gained? If you have pictured this in your imagination, then you have noticed two things about yourself: 1. Your mouth has increased saliva production and 2. You made a face. This experiment shows you two things: 1. Your thoughts and fantasies are forces that cause your body to respond. Your body and facial muscles responded as if you had actually bitten into the lemon. You felt like you had done what you really only imagined!! Note: Every thought, every idea, whether positive or negative, has an impact on your mental and physical well-being. 2. You can also see that your brain cannot distinguish between what you are actually experiencing and what you are imagining you are experiencing! Even though you know full well that you imagined it all, your imagination was real to your brain. You can tell by this: Your brain cannot tell if you are imagining something or if something is real. Important to know: Your brain does its work mindlessly like a computer. It doesn't care if something is reality or imagination. It processes every piece of information as if it were real. In computer terms, they say: garbage in, garbage out - which means that if you put garbage in, nothing useful can come of it. What is the significance of this self-knowledge for everyday life? Pay attention to your thoughts and ideas. Since your brain doesn't care if something is real or imagined, you have to take on this task. You have to check whether your thoughts and ideas correspond to reality. You feel mentally and physically what you think and imagine. You either control your thoughts or your thoughts control you. If you a If you are afraid, it is because you are introducing yourself and telling yourself that you are in danger. Your brain processes your anxious thoughts and images as if you are actually in danger, when you are probably just imagining or pretending you are in danger. So since your brain can't decide if you're in danger or if you just think you're in danger, you need to give it the all-clear by saying, for example, "I'm sure. It's fine." Your brain is a trusty servant but a miserable master. You have to make him understand what is reality and what is imagination. So pay close attention to your thoughts and ideas. You can't avoid negative thoughts running through your head, but you can prevent them from taking root and causing you lasting negative feelings. But you can also use this self-knowledge for your own good. If you remember beautiful moments that you experienced together with your partner, then the memory of these moments triggers the same positive body reactions as it did back then. Happy hormones are released and you feel connected to your partner. Hope you can distinguish positive from negative, but even that is difficult for many. Have a nice day, mfg Nikita Noemi Rothenbächer
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