Wow what a way
Only those who go their own way cannot be overtaken by anyone. That's how I still think today and honestly it's not surprising, with everything you see here. Do not go where the path may lead, but go where there is no path and leave a trail. Nor is it a way to peace, because peace is the way. The worst way to choose is not to choose. And if I'm honest about what I am, many a right decision only came about because the path to the wrong one wasn't clear! Think saying that, well, that's a bit of courage, isn't it? But if you know your goal, you will find the way, our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The surest way to succeed is always to try again. You can also build something beautiful out of stones that are placed in your way. And that doesn't always have to do with the visible, but apart from your name, what would you like to leave behind that is permanent! And that includes the knowledge, don't always go on the predetermined path, which only leads to where others have already gone. However, I know from experience that when you take a wrong turn, the faster you go, the more lost you become. Many roads lead to wealth, and most of them are dirty. I haven't failed - I've discovered 10,000 ways that didn't work. So a lot of experience richer, without which I would complain about it. If the way seems endless and suddenly nothing wants to go anymore, then you mustn't hesitate. The way of the spirit is the detour, many are stubborn about the path once taken, few about the goal. The experience is like a lantern in the back; it only illuminates the part of the way that we have already covered. And if we were honest, we would know that man has three ways of acting wisely: by reflection is the noblest, by imitation is the simplest, by experience is the bitterest. There are no signposts at the crossroads of life. In any case, you will miss one thing when you reach the goal of your dreams: your hiking to the goal. And never forget, we should never lose sight, that the road to tyranny begins with the destruction of truth. Best of all though, "There's only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, be nothing," and that's never been my thing, why should it? "Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited," In all things hope is better than despair. It's just a better way to live. Sometimes nothing happens for a long time, and then everything happens at once. The deed distinguishes the goal from the dream, some things only become good when we let them be. Do what you love and love what you do because life is too short for ever. So I will do what I like without any questions, just like that, no one asks. Is there still a long way to go? Let go of things that hurt you. And spend your time with people who are good for you. Life is like a dandelion, when the time comes everyone has to fly on alone. In this sense you only the best mfg Nikita Noemi RothenbächerInformationen über das alltägliche von Selbstbestimmung und Persönlichkeits_Entfaltung!
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