"The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out WHY!"
Self-determination means experiencing meaning, heteronomy does not allow for any meaningful experience.
“Life itself has intrinsic value. So if you manage to live your life for your own sake, you will experience true joie de vivre. There is no deeper meaning!"
"The meaning of life is life itself", J. W. von Goethe is said to have said. However, it is not quite as simple as the answer sounds.
"To be what we are and to become what we can become, that is the goal of our life."
The meaning of life is not the solution to a problem, but a certain way of life. It is not metaphysical but ethical.
It is not something detached from life, but what makes life worth living - that is, a certain quality, depth, fullness and intensity of life.
In this sense, the meaning of life is life itself viewed in a certain way.
Well, recently I read from Albert Camus, who says: from the absurdity of the world, there is no meaning or a higher truth to be found in it. Or rather:
There is no meaning inside or outside the world.
All man's striving for meaning is in vain, since the world is meaningless.
"'Sense and purpose' are often used together.
Goal is far, purpose is near. Purpose is deep, purpose is shallow. Goal is achievable, sense is not.
Sex in old age is pointless, but not pointless. Meaning is a level in a vessel - a 'full life', they say."
According to Plato (Politeia), the immortal human soul consists of three parts: reason, courage and instincts. Man can only be happy if these three parts of the soul are in balance and do not contradict each other. Then he attains justice as the highest of the cardinal virtues. The highest meaning lies in the philosophical reflection:
"A life without self-examination does not deserve to be lived."
In most cases, the question of the meaning of life is understood in such a way that it asks about a specific purpose that life should serve, or about a specific goal that should be striven for.
In the same way, questions can be asked about the value, benefit or meaning of life.
Many misunderstandings when trying to determine the meaning of life are caused by the fact that the terms meaning, purpose and life are not clearly defined.
In addition, one can doubt whether a reasonable answer is even possible.
The human being as a social being is always in relation to other people with education, training, professional life, etc. and is encouraged from an early age to be useful, to work, to act meaningfully, to live a meaningful life, often without this expressly being the meaning of his to be named life.
As a rule, many people do not ask themselves the question of the meaning of life in everyday life as long as their own way of life does not become doubtful or questionable.
There is often an existential crisis of meaning when events can no longer be integrated into the existing concept of meaning: e.g. B. through disappointments, misfortunes or the demands of a new phase of life.
The result is often the beginning or the resumption of reflection on the meaning of life, which then also includes questions such as happiness or even the meaning of suffering. When a person copes with a critical event that had led to a loss of meaning, they often find meaning for it (see Finding meaning).
However, most people can only make a truly free decision when their basic needs are met (Abraham Maslow). Hunger, thirst, pain, fear, lack of freedom, etc. can therefore very quickly lead to a loss of perceived meaning in life.
However, the satisfaction of human needs must not be confused with the fundamentally independent definition or finding of meaning.
Yet Immanuel Kant agrees or criticizes the traditional notions of happiness, as these meant that everyone is at the mercy of the unpredictable fluctuations of their own ever-changing drives, needs, habits, and preferences.
Nor can one approach freedom, immortality and God through reason. One can postulate them alone.
It's funny because Nietzsche speaks of the supermen. This should be hard and without any pity towards yourself and others. His purpose in life is to create a work of art out of his life and out of humanity. He demanded: "What are you here for, ask yourself: and if you can't find out, then set yourself goals, high and noble goals, and perish on them".
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