Mittwoch, 27. Dezember 2023

Democracy is defensive, it must be defensive!

Democracy is defensive, it must be defensive. It may not be perfect, but it means freedom to think, learn, love and live and should always be preserved and protected by every individual out of reason. The main criterion of all real democracy is still the truth!
Anyone who is committed to the truth is a real democrat! Truth as a concept and as a dimension is very difficult to determine! This severity is also a criterion of democracy. For Plato, democracy is only a single, self-inflicted step away from tyranny or dictatorship and thus its own dissolution. Not all people are intellectually or characterically suitable for freedom of decision, but they need and thirst for decision-makers, for leaders, for rulers who can relieve them of their own burden of responsibility. So the inevitable next step towards the abyss is that democracies will vote themselves out and perish on their own when reason is missing among some of those entitled to vote, when a minority of good people are opposed to one or more evil people and in between the undecided can be convinced Good secures this through reason and truth, evil through deception and lies. Plato sees rhetoric as a possible means against reason, against truth and against good and in favor of untruth. Those who lie have an easier time than those who are committed to the truth. Thus, Plato predicts, according to the rules of rhetoric and lies, a state leader will emerge who will use the means of democracy to propel himself to the top. In this case, moral reprehensibility does not lead to political failure, but rather to political success, and the person who knows how to make the most use of lies will ultimately herald the end of democracy towards dictatorship.
Now this is just one of many interpretations, I may be wrong, and yet in my opinion this thought game fits into the past as well as the present (and to be feared also into the future), in which not only, but especially clowns, liars and Showmasters can be democratically elected without any moral reason and sometimes even with an openly malicious, inhuman attitude, but not only think little of democracy, but also insult and undermine its basic values. Now these statements were made many years ago about how it works or how one manages to destroy something that is actually solid!
The alleged people's party "AfD" is currently doing what is described here! Let's say it clearly and clearly all over Europe, the Nazi supporters are lying, capping voters with false promises, what remains? We didn't know anything about it, no, you are ignorant people or the street bar's students! And Donald Trump shows how it is, money and corruption is the power, Putin's KingPin is the master more than General Franco!
Kind regards, Nikita Noemi Rothenbächer

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