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Mittwoch, 13. Dezember 2023
Die Normalen oder Verrückten. /// The normal ones / The crazy ones?
The normal ones.
They sit in bars and get drunk, go to the cinema or sit in front of the television and believe what the media tells them.
The normal ones... The crazy ones? They go outside the door at night to marvel at fireflies or the stars in the cosmos.
They run barefoot in the river, dance topless in the summer rain or around the campfire...
The crazy ones... The normal ones stare at smartphone screens to get their minute-by-minute dopamine stimulation, they buy bananas wrapped in plastic, and mow their “English” lawns...
The normal ones The crazy ones?
They plant illegal butterfly and bee meadows in the wild and hug trees...
The crazy ones… The normal people go to the psychologist and get drugged with pills and their medicine to take away their pain: consumption, dating websites, football, work, booze, cannabis, watching TV...
The normal ones The crazy ones? They endure the pain, dive into their shadow world, look at their shit, they endure it, they meditate, practice yoga, drink holy medicine ayahuasca or read spiritual books...
“On this planet “normal” equals “crazy.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
Those dancing were thought to be crazy by those who couldn't hear the music. ~Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
"It is not a good mark of health to be well adapted to a profoundly sick society."
There are two things men should never tire of: kindness and humility. Neither is easy to find in this cruel world among so many cold and proud people.”
"Then you need other spiritual qualities besides talent or genius: the courage to speak your truth, the tenacity to move forward, a strange mix of confidence in what you have to say and repeated disbelief in your strength.
A combination of modesty in the face of giants and arrogance in the face of fools, a need for affection and the courage to be alone to avoid the temptation, but also the danger of small groups, of mirror galleries.”
Every person's life is a path to oneself, the attempt of a path, the outline of a path. No man has become completely himself; But everyone strives to get there, some blind, others with more light, everyone as best they can.
They all carry with them to the end the remnants of their birth, the viscosities and shells of a primary world. Some never become men; You remain a frog, a lizard or an ant. Others are half human and half fish. But they are all a projection of nature onto humans. We all have our origins, our mothers in common; we all come from the same abyss; but each strives for his own goal, like an attempt and a projection from the depths. We can understand each other; But interpreting is something everyone can do only for themselves. "We can only find ourselves when we are alone. Being alone is not loneliness, it is the greatest adventure!" How often have you sat in the middle of a group of people and internally doubted: “I don’t belong here, I don’t belong here”? Feel for all the suffering in the world, but direct your strength not where you are powerless, but towards your neighbor, whom you can help, love and delight.
Personally, I grow plants for many reasons: to please my eye, to delight my soul, to challenge the elements or to test my patience, for novelty or nostalgia, but most of all for the joy of watching them grow. You talk to them, you don't get an answer, but you see magnificent plants, you see pure nature, in that sense it's a pleasant time, you stay healthy
Nikita Noemi Rothenbächer
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