Informationen über das alltägliche von Selbstbestimmung und Persönlichkeits_Entfaltung!
Samstag, 9. Dezember 2023
The cheap copy of the KingPin "Putin" the ex-president and traitor Donald Trump, tightens the laws against the intersex and transgender minorities! Will they soon become terrorists? Die billige Kopie des KingPin "Putin" der Ex- Präsident und Landesverräter Donald Trump, verschärft die Gesetze, gegen die Minderheiten von Intersexuellen und Transgendern! Sind diese bald Terroristen?
The cheap copy of the KingPin "Putin" the ex-president and traitor Donald Trump, tightens the laws against the intersex and transgender minorities! Will they soon become terrorists?
Und was kommt noch?
Why does being exist and not nothingness?
Minorities all over the world should ask themselves this question!
But today the question is more like, “Why is there a mind capable of asking this question?” The first question may never be answered, at least from a scientific perspective.
And there is probably no answer to the second question either, at least as they say. Now, if we are unable to answer the question “Why does a human mind exist?”, perhaps we will be able to answer the question “How does a human mind exist?” i.e. how it came to be.
Since Darwin and his formulation of evolution in terms of natural selection, the answer to the question of how a structure came into being, i.e. H. what selection pressure lies behind its creation, equivalent to the answer to the question “Why does it exist?”
From here it seems easy to trace the evolution of the human mind and figure out why we are the way we are. Numerous disciplines are now involved in the study of the origins of our minds, including paleoanthropology, human paleoecology, prehistoric archaeology, primatology, ethology, cognitive neuroscience, and genomics.
The question of the origin of the human mind can therefore only be answered with a multidisciplinary approach. What about discrimination or racism like anti-Semitism or law without law? If you observe developments in the world, is everything very worrying, for example around 27 wars, terrorism, poverty and hunger, as well as refugee routes across the world, looking for happiness or mercy?
Do you also question your topics critically? Interesting facts - education - facts - entertainment or politics, that's good the older we get! But one thing first: Don't expect the whole world to love you, because 94% of the population don't even love themselves! Worse still is the fact that the majority of the population is very easy to influence and manipulate.
You lack education, have no feeling for critical moments, and the unbelievable hardly occurs in your mind. Anyone who has followed the results of the “Pisa study” will ask themselves, “How can that be?” Well, to be honest, many people born in 1957 have never heard or read anything about Franz Kafka, the influential German-speaking writer of the 20th century! He left a legacy of works that explore human consciousness and psyche.
His unique narrative style and his captivating stories, such as "The Metamorphosis" and "The Trial," have had a lasting impact on the literary world.
It is more important to understand people than to forgive them.”
However, just point out that my minority “intersexuals” really have to be worried about the political developments in Russia! Skepticism is always appropriate when drastic measures against minorities are reported. In the case of Russia’s classification of the LGBTQ+ community as “extremist,” it’s worth taking a closer look at the facts. Taken together, “LGBTQ+” represents a diverse community of people who do not exclusively identify as heterosexual and/or cisgender. The term emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and recognition of the diverse forms of sexuality and gender identity. Origin and confirmation of the verdict in Russia Fact: The Supreme Court of Russia has classified the LGBTQ+ community as “extremist.” The decision followed a request from the Russian Justice Ministry, Russian news agency Interfax reported. Analysis: This decision is part of a broader trend in Russia that is increasingly restricting LGBTQ+ rights.
This decision has far-reaching consequences as it affects not just a single organization but an entire social group. The ruling could lead to an increase in discrimination and violence against LGBTQ+ people by creating a hostile environment and legitimizing hate speech.
Russia's crackdown on LGBTQ+ people has intensified since the conflict in Ukraine in 2022.
The government presents itself as an opponent of the supposed “decadence of the West” and often justifies its actions with the protection of children. Analysis: These justifications follow a pattern of stigmatization and marginalization of LGBTQ+ people and serve as a pretext for repressive measures. The approach had been sharply criticized by human rights activists in advance. Independent Russian media now point out that the judges did not even clarify who they believed was part of the “LGBT movement.” Therefore, the specific effects of the regulation were initially not known.
Queer activists, already suffering severe repression, fear that the Russian justice system's crackdown is aimed primarily at silencing them publicly and will further fuel hatred against minorities.
About a year ago, a law was passed that bans so-called “LGBT propaganda,” i.e. virtually any positive portrayal of gay or lesbian love. Since then, not only posts on social networks have been affected, but also the content of books, films, media and advertising. Violations result in high fines. Our site is also affected, as Facebook and Google are trying everything to prevent further publications, any hypocritical reasons or alleged violations of their standards!
Free thinkers need to be careful, but the point is, this law impacts all democracies - worldwide!
Putin is a King Pin with the image of the President, but He also has an extreme right-wing radical network spread all over the world! Even Markus Söder has already jumped on board, where possible “He” is looking for more proximity to the AfD, because gender is now banned in schools!
Where possible even just a free rider of Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis from the USA, where the fight against the minorities of transgender and racism is equal in 31 states under the right-wing extremist influence of the ex-president or a cheap copy of Putin, the Traitor to the country, Mr. Donald Trump! Who already announced before the election that he would be a temporary “dictator”!
But Europe is also noticing Putin's influence because the AfD in Germany is the slave of Putin's politics, but even more so is the right-wing radical - jerk in both Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, many religious fanatical countries, France and Spain, among others Fight against our minority!
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