Informationen über das alltägliche von Selbstbestimmung und Persönlichkeits_Entfaltung!
Donnerstag, 28. Dezember 2023
Trump had announced an appeal against the verdict in Colorado - but has not yet filed one. The Colorado Supreme Court has itself suspended its decision until the issue is finally resolved in the event of an appeal. Trump's name is likely to be on the ballot for his party's primary election in the state at the beginning of next year.
Trump had announced an appeal against the verdict in Colorado - but has not yet filed one.
The Colorado Supreme Court has itself suspended its decision until the issue is finally resolved in the event of an appeal.
Trump's name is likely to be on the ballot for his party's primary election in the state at the beginning of next year.
D. Trump Yesterday's snow should not be underestimated - combined with today's snow, it can form huge avalanches. I sat at the kitchen table that evening and watched Trump's appearance in front of the mob he himself had ordered there and was absolutely horrified at what nonsense a person who holds such an important office was telling people and manipulating them with it.
As the speech progressed, I thought: If there isn't a crash at the Capitol today, I'll eat a broom.
Some write that every person who has their five senses together recognizes what a dangerous manipulator Trump is and that such a person should never have responsibility for other people's fates in their hands!
Many people know the expression: "Throw in the towel, GIVE UP" Almost everyone knows this expression that means to give up, give up a fight or a goal.
A Donald Trump knows no giving up, because every means is right to expand his power in order to then sell the entire people who have the facts!
The expression is usually associated with the world of boxing, with a gesture with which the trainer of one of the fighters can force his student to give up. However, few people know that the expression has an older and less aggressive origin and, strangely enough, is related to the world of Roman baths. In ancient Rome, the baths were not only a place where one could bathe, but also a meeting place and rendezvous point where one could forge the darkest political conspiracies or find the love of the city's most beautiful ephebes.
It seems that as early as the 1st century AD, a kind of ritual was established precisely between the young people who regularly went to the thermal baths in search of fame and fortune and the middle-aged men who sought their favor. After receiving a concrete proposal directly or through friends, one of these young people would stand in front of his admirer and perform one of two actions: or he would tie a second knot in the towel in which he was wrapped, making it so it was clear he wasn't accepting it or dropping it to the general applause of those present celebrating the birth of a relationship.
As early as the 2nd century AD we have the first written evidence of the expression “linteum iactare”, “throw in the towel”. In some baths in modern-day Turkey, a plaque was recently discovered with the inscription "Hic Antinous Hadriano linteum suum iactavit", that is, "Here Antinous threw his towel to Hadrian", a plaque that probably marks the beginning of the famous relationship between emperors Hadrian and the young Antinous.
In this way, throwing or throwing the towel gradually came to be seen as a gesture of submission, of devotion to the winner, which is why it also eventually adapted to the world of boxing in which it has survived to this day.
Politically, as in war, there are hardly any rules, because money or connections are lured into the shadow government, but also "Il Pentito"!
There are three questions that need to be answered here:
1. Did Trump call for or support an insurrection? Anyone who looks at the pictures from January 6th, 2021 will come to the conclusion with common sense, like the investigative committee and now two courts: Yes.
2. Does Trump enjoy presidential and full immunity? Here commentators from right to left agree: No, that would be completely absurd.
3. Does the third section of the 14th Amendment with “any office” also include the office of president without explicitly mentioning or excluding it? Here the SC of Colorado itself provided the justification by taking into account a protocol from 1866 (!): two congressmen discussed exactly this question and in the end they agreed: "any" includes all offices - including those of president and deputy! The Supreme Court, which likes to claim that it judges according to "the original opinion intended by the authors" of the Constitution, will hardly be able to decide otherwise on this question - or the panel of judges will be completely untrustworthy. Either way, it's clear: Trump is playing for time, as he always has, and hopes to get re-elected so that he can then clean up. Meanwhile, his apprentice "Ron DeSantis" is responsible for human rights violations against transgender or intersex people and others, following Puti's example or strategy!
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