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Warum müssen täglich mehr Menschen sterben und Städte zerstört werden - wenn ein Kompromiss unvermeidlich ist? Warum wird der nicht jetzt gemacht? Und was ist mit den zwangsrekrutierten Männern zwischen 18 und 60?
Und den flüchtenden Frauen und auf sie lauernden Menschenhändlern?
Seinen Namen kennen die meisten vermutlich - der nach ihm benannte Pulitzer-Preis gilt als eine der wichtigsten Auszeichnungen für Journalismus. Joseph Pulitzer selbst war auch Journalist und Herausgeber.
Seine Erfolgsformel war eine Mischung aus lokalem Klatsch, kombiniert mit investigativen Geschichten, die Korruption in der Politik aufdeckten. Im Konkurrenzkampf mit anderen Zeitungen schreckte Pulitzer auch nicht davor zurück, gefälschte Sensationsnachrichten unter wahre zu mischen. Dieser Kampf um Auflage gipfelte in einer populistischen Berichterstattung über den Unabhängigkeitskampf der Kubaner*innen gegen die spanische Kolonialmacht. Bis heute ist nicht geklärt, ob es nur die Pressepropaganda war, die die USA in den Krieg führte.
Nach diesem Krieg kehrte Joseph Pulitzer zu gut recherchiertem, investigativem Journalismus zurück und deckte 1909 mit seiner Zeitung den Bestechungsskandal um den Panamakanal, in den auch Präsident Roosevelt verwickelt war, auf.
The madness of normaliti
Realism as a disease: a theory of human destructiveness."
You clip the child's wings, you don't let it grow and become independent because the wide, open world is too dangerous.
One makes of the child an ally of one's own helplessness.
This seriously jeopardizes the development of the child.
Such a child is continually discouraged from taking independent steps in the world, raised to be timid.
Of course, the child notices the parents' weakness, their insecurity and fear: by staying at home, they want to protect their mother and father.
The fear of the world and the exaggerated attachment to the mother alienate the child from its purpose in life." (Gaetano Benedetti, Der psychisch Sufferer und seine Welt, 1984/1974, p. 64) .
I have the impression that society's way of dealing with the critiques of the situation today is to be understood in the light of a transference relationship.
Like an analyst, he/she becomes a projection surface for unlived parts of being alive in the inversion into the opposite.
What could be help becomes the enemy because it threatens the structure of inner reality and the self-model.
Now these children became men and women, some in important positions in world politics, where possible you can also understand from these lines what is going on in the world!
Before we get to the question, a few undeniable facts.
Most importantly, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a major war crime, ranking alongside the US invasion of Iraq and the Hitler-Stalin invasion of Poland in September 1939, to name just two major examples.
It always makes sense to look for explanations, but there is no justification, no extenuating circumstances.
Now to the question: There are many compelling assessments of Putin's state of mind.
The usual explanation is that he's caught up in paranoid fantasies, acting alone, surrounded by obsequious courtiers, such as come to one's appearance here (in the US) when one watches the remnants of the Republicans march to Mar -a-draw lago.
The barrage of abuse may be appropriate, but perhaps other options should also be considered.
Perhaps Putin was guided by what he and his associates have been saying loud and clear for years. The following judgment could therefore also apply:
"Since Putin's main demand is an assurance that NATO will not accept any more members, especially Ukraine or Georgia, there would obviously have been no basis for the current crisis had there not been an expansion of the alliance after the end of the Cold War or if enlargement had taken place in line with the building of a security structure in Europe."
These words come from former US Ambassador to Russia Jack Matlock, one of the few serious Russia specialists in the US diplomatic corps.
He wrote down the above quote just before the invasion.
He goes on to conclude that the crisis could easily have been resolved with the help of common sense.
From any reasonable standpoint, it is in America's interest to promote peace, not conflict.
Trying to sever Ukraine from Russian influence - the stated goal of those who championed the "color revolutions" - was an endeavor as foolish as it was dangerous.
Did we forget the lesson of the Cuban Missile Crisis so quickly, it seems!
Internal US government documents released by Wikileaks show that the Bush II administration's reckless offer to Ukraine to join NATO immediately provoked sharp warnings from Russia, which was unwilling to tolerate the mounting military threat.
Then came the disrespect and ignoring!
Und Präsident Putin?
Der überzieht die Ukraine mit einem brutalen Angriffskrieg und spricht ebenfalls von einem „wahrhaft großen Heldentum“ seiner Soldaten.
Doch viele von ihnen sind arme Socken, die in ihrer Armee brutalisiert werden, nicht genug zu essen kriegen und so manches Mal noch nicht einmal wussten, dass sie in den Krieg gegen die Ukraine geschickt wurden.
Doch wehe, wenn sie losgelassen.
Dann plündern und vergewaltigen sie.
Auf eigene Faust?
Auf Befehl?
Nein Danke!
Wo Helden sind, sind die Vergewaltigten und Toten nicht weit.
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