The word for Sunday, from me for the world
Moin After sharing with a family member yesterday, the thought occurred to me, the meaning of life? What's the point of life if we fight ourselves? “With birth man is thrown into a situation that is not fixed but uncertain and open. Only in relation to the past is there certainty, and in relation to the future only death is certain. He has an awareness of himself, of those around him, of his past and of the possibilities of his future.” With regard to the meaning of life, the most important results are: Life that is felt to be meaningless is often the result of an upbringing without love and human connection. In general it will be like this that you . When it comes to the meaning of life, heart and gut play an important role. Giving meaning is also something that makes us happy and content. When life seems pointless, good advice is expensive. Because nobody who is happy asks the question about the meaning of life. On the contrary: anyone who sees no meaning in life is already in the midst of a real crisis and is desperately looking for answers. Osho - a famous Indian philosopher - said that there is no goal in life. Life is the goal. Every other goal like fame, success, money and also fulfillment is a construct of our mind. The desire for a deeper meaning is often just a human desire. Can I be happy without meaning in life? The short answer is: . Tatjana Schnell, a researcher of meaning, explains why this is so and what makes life richer. Being happy without meaning in life - that's not really possible if you take the research results of the last 20 years seriously. Why am I so unhappy even though I have everything? mental health problems. . You believe that you are wrong or that others will not understand you. Because the truth is that you worry and fear. The purpose of life is life itself,” wrote Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. But it doesn't seem so clear and unambiguous to many. Does our existence have any meaning at all? The Austrian philosopher Günther Anders, among others, posed this provocative question: "Why do you actually assume that life, apart from being there, should or could also have something else - just what you call meaning?" From a purely scientific point of view, the meaning of life in a randomly created world could only lie in biological and socio-cultural evolution, controlled by the drive for self-preservation and reproduction. Thanks to their intellect, humans are the only creatures capable of thinking about themselves. And because of this, the question of the reason for existence has arisen in his consciousness since time immemorial. Why is it so important for each individual to find a deep, satisfying answer to the meaning of life? A real meaning in life gives people security and forms the basis for contentment and happiness. Man would despair in a completely meaningless world. His own meaning of life serves him as an inner compass in the storm of the world, as a protective shield to master the ups and downs of life. "The knowledge of a life purpose has an eminent psychotherapeutic and psychohygienic value," says the Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. "Whoever knows the meaning of his life, this awareness helps him more than anything else to overcome external difficulties and internal complaints!". Undoubtedly, the question of the meaning of life is meaningful and touches deep in the soul. It is important for each individual to find a personal answer to this mother of all questions. According to a survey published by Statista, the lion's share of people in Germany regularly grapple with the meaning of life. About 70% of respondents think about it “very often”, “often” or “sometimes”. Only around 30% "rarely" or "never". Many people only ask themselves the question of the meaning of life when life has gotten out of hand due to disappointments, crises or an accident. Impending drastic changes or important decisions can also be a trigger for thinking about the meaning of life. Other people, on the other hand, simply repress the need to deal with the question of meaning. The Austrian sensory researcher Tatjana Schnell calls this group the “existentially indifferent” who lead a life without real ups and downs. "A meaningful life, on the other hand, is actively shaped by what people can and want," explains Schnell in a Focus interview. “Ideally, the result is a life plan that is coherent and subjectively feels right.” But let’s first go through the question of meaning systematically look at it and break it down into two important parts. The satisfaction of physical, material, social or spiritual needs can be at the center of the personal meaning of life. Striving for material things, for power, possessions, reputation or for a fulfilled partnership and family. Or for altruistic motives to help others make the world a better place. For most people it will probably be a mixture of all aspects, with each of course weighing the individual points differently. Another expression may be the search for knowledge or personal development and self-realization. Ok enough written, but now simply honestly, it seems to me that everyone is drifting in this life. But letting yourself drift is not a statement but cowardice in the face of life, no matter how this goes, in the end everything is connected, in this sense all of you, only the best for this Sunday, mfg Nikita Noemi RothenbächerInformationen über das alltägliche von Selbstbestimmung und Persönlichkeits_Entfaltung!
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