Informationen über das alltägliche von Selbstbestimmung und Persönlichkeits_Entfaltung!
Donnerstag, 16. März 2023
What remains, the opportunist takes everything for free, the main thing is that he/she doesn't have to pay anything!
Hello ladies and gentlemen and especially many loyal friends on my blog. But I would like to paste, asked for help, nothing but greetings, although it is being persecuted in legal circles precisely because of the openness in this blog. Thanks for the sympathy, but will make a book out of the collection to buy. The world is in turmoil in Europe, the war is bad enough, but just want to ask, do you think it's worth being an activist? Do you consider it an achievement if you have more than 3,000,000 on this blog? Personally, I think what is success if you belong to a minority, because belief can say, for decades, a constant confrontation with society, even more politics. Really fooled by politicians more than once, worse betrayed and sold! This applies to the whole world! Whether in everyday life, at work, among friends, in politics or in the media: hypocrites are booming in Germany! They promise us a life of prosperity if we just ride the hamster wheel long enough and do exactly what they recommend. At the same time, we are taking on more and more debt because food prices and rents are rising, although German politicians and the media claim otherwise. Our social life has degenerated into a single satire, but unlike satire, which at least promises a humorous punch line and maybe a happy ending, Germany is sinking into chaos and dangerous conflicts. Admonishers and warners who have recognized the dangerous trend are hushed up by the elitist hypocrites or denigrated as racists and conspiracy theorists. The accusation of double standards can end careers and stay with you forever - although the double standard is omnipresent, right down to the law. People obviously need flexible evaluation criteria for themselves and for others. Where does the hypocrisy come from? Why is it sometimes useful? And under what conditions does it get out of hand? All questions, if we were honest, which many have asked now and in the past, but answers, well these are rare! A double standard is a system of norms that evaluates the same behavior ethically differently, depending on which group of people the performer or the people concerned belong to, or depending on whether they are in a public or private situation inside or outside a community, without there was an objective reason for this. The double standard can be reflected explicitly in a moral code that depicts a different value system, or implicitly in the moral feelings, behavior and value judgments of individuals. The decisive feature is that "double standards" are used. One can always speak of a double standard when different assessment standards are used, although the facts on which the assessment is based are (structurally) similar. The term therefore goes beyond the different assessment of one's own behavior and that of others, or of behavior that a person demands from others and that which they show themselves (hypocrisy). If there is a contradiction between morality that is actually followed and morality that is represented to the outside world, the term bigotry is used instead. Hypocrisy or hypocrisy describes a morally or ethically negative behavior in which a person intentionally conveys an image of themselves to the outside world that does not correspond to their real self. In the religious field one speaks of hypocrisy, which refers to the pretense of a belief. Hypocrites often pillory other people even though they themselves behave immorally, so hypocrites are trained in double standards. Hypocritical behavior also has something to do with the ability or inability to trust other people, because someone who treats others with suspicion or feels like a victim is more likely to be hypocritical. A series of experiments has also shown that people whose daily routine involves thinking about moral issues in an abstract way are more prone to hypocrisy than others. This indicates that people who base their daily actions on an abstract set of rules, such as judges, police officers or priests, are the ones who are themselves most susceptible to hypocrisy. At its psychological core, hypocrisy is always about inconsistency, that is, about contradiction. However, this behavior is not without risk, because although a hypocrite creates advantages for himself if he is successful, he also pays the price of losing his credibility if he is discovered. Many gambled away credibility here. Greetings Nikita Noemi Rothenbacher
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