The paradox of our time is.....
We have tall buildings but low tolerance, wide freeways but narrow views. We consume more but have less, buy more but enjoy less.
We have bigger houses but smaller families, more comfort but less time, more education but less reason, more knowledge but less common sense, more experts but also more problems, more medicine but less health.
We smoke too much, we drink too much, we spend irresponsibly, we laugh too little, drive too fast, get upset too quickly, sleep too late, wake up too tired; we read too little, watch too much television, pray too seldom.
We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values.
We talk too much, we love too little, and we hate too much.
We know how to make a living, but no longer how to live.
We have added years to life, but not life to years.
We come to the moon, but no longer to the neighbor's door.
We have conquered space, but not the space within us.
We do bigger things, but not better. We have cleaned the air but polluted the souls.
We can split the atom, but not our prejudices.
We write more but know less, we plan more but achieve less.
We've learned to be fast, but we can't wait.
We're making new computers that store more information and make tons of copies, but we communicate less with each other. It's the time of fast food and bad digestion, big men and small-minded souls, easy profits and difficult relationships. It's the time of increased family incomes and divorces, nicer houses and broken homes.
It's the time of fast travel, of throwaway diapers and throwaway morals, of one-night relationships and being overweight.
It's the time of the pills that can do everything: they excite us, they calm us down, they kill us.
It's the time when it's more important to have something in the window than in the store, when modern technology can carry a text like this around the world in no time at all, and when you have the choice: change life - or to delete the text.
Don't forget to give more time to those you love because they won't always be with YOU. Say a kind word to those who are now looking at YOU from below with enthusiasm because these little creatures will soon be growing up and will no longer be with YOU. Give the person next to YOU a warm hug, because it is the only treasure that comes from YOUR heart and costs YOU nothing.
Tell your loved one, "I love you," and mean it. A kiss and a hug from the heart can undo all evil.
Walk hand in hand and cherish the moments you are together because one day that person will no longer be with you.
Find time to love, find time to talk. Find time to share everything you have to say, because life is not measured in the number of breaths we take, but in the number of moments that take our breath away.”
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