Mittwoch, 26. April 2023

What have you become? // Was ist aus Dir geworden?

 Who am I? – That is the question of my own identity.

After the real me. I'm looking for myself - but not only for my sunny side, but also for my dark side. Because mistakes, guilt, inadequacies, weaknesses and lies also belong to one's own self. That is why self-discovery is an uncomfortable topic. But as in sport, the effort is worth it - because in the end you will be rewarded with the result: A clear and unembellished self-image - that is one answer to the question of who I am. Why do you hold the fork in your right hand when eating without a knife and in your left hand when eating with a knife? If I'm honest, there are very pragmatic reasons for this: If you use the fork without a knife, you take it in the "eating hand", which is the right hand for right-handed people and the left for left-handed people. With this favorite hand you are simply more skilled and can do more difficult work. That's why you usually carry the tool you use the most with it. If you use both pieces of cutlery, you take the knife in the safer hand, the weaker hand being enough to hold or fork up food. Simple but real observation from teachers as well as years of work, or rather life experience, which can explain a lot. The question "Who am I?" is so difficult precisely because there is a false self and a true self. Because I often wear a mask in public, I make sure that I meet the expectations of others, that I don't attract negative attention, that I only say things that are okay. I don't show inappropriate feelings, I'm in control, I'm constantly on guard not to do anything wrong. It can, but does not have to be a facade. But who am I when you look behind the facade? Who am I when I take off my mask? Who am I when I'm just being myself? It's not easy to say exactly what I'm like when I'm completely natural without caring about what other people think of me. I can quickly identify my false self, but what is my real self? "I am convinced that you are yourself, your true self, when you are authentic". Authenticity means living your life on your own terms. That's why nobody can tell you how to live an authentic life, because that would be a contradiction in terms: "Do your own thing!" is a nonsensical request, because here someone wants you to live your life according to their ideas. "You shouldn't listen to others!" is also a self-contradiction. Basically, you can only find authenticity yourself; only then are it really your ideas that you align your life with. A lot of knowledge, love literature for Aristotle, too, the topic was of central importance, because for him life is about realizing your own potential, realizing your talents and being the best version of yourself. A poet must write poetry, a musician must make music, the Greek philosopher would say. But how do you know if you're a talented poet or rather a talented computer geek or a talented family manager? You have to find that out for yourself by looking inside yourself, looking for your strengths and talents, and then perfecting them. If you succeed, then you lead a "good life" in the sense of Aristotle. @ all wish a pleasant day, especially my family, friends and acquaintances mfg Nikita Noemi Rothenbächer

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