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Sonntag, 18. Juni 2023
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For those who are interested! "Insanity is something rare in individuals, - but in groups, parties, peoples, times the rule."
But you can also say: "The strongest souls emerge from suffering, solid characters have scars"!
Life has several meanings: In quantitative and temporal terms, it is about the duration of our existence. But our life also has a qualitative dimension, a depth that depends on the consciousness of the individual. People have thought about this since the beginning. For science, life expresses itself through biological functions that must be fulfilled, such as growth, metabolism, reproduction, regeneration, etc. It is only when these criteria are met that one speaks of life in the scientific sense.
Amazing isn't it that definition. Personally, however, I have learned in life that we humans consist of body, mind and soul, which I still maintain to this day!
He has basic needs that need to be satisfied, needs similar to those of animals.
This is the earthly, material, transitory part of man. The other part of man is spiritual.
It is the divine spark, the faculty of knowledge, the higher consciousness.
That life in man that comes from God. In Greek mythology, it is depicted as a fire that Prometheus stole from Olympus to give to the people. Eastern traditions tell of light bringers or kumaras who fertilize people spiritually.
Human life in the best sense of the word can only take place when both parts are active.
Man has an immortal divine spark that needs to be realized. The true art of living consists in harmonizing the two parts of the human being.
Since the spiritual-divine part usually does not demand its rights as vehemently as the earthly part, we have to be much more attentive to its needs and occasionally put our physical body in its place.
Man differs from the animal by the spiritual spark. So its purpose in life must also differ from that of the animal and cannot only consist of eating, drinking, sleeping, sex and other satisfactions! For the ancients there was nothing that was not alive.
The universe is animated, life is in the stars, minerals, in all things manifest.
Life is vibration and development. Wondering where is the "soul" in many literary treatises? We cannot consider life without considering death.
Life and death are inextricably linked. One conditionally affects the other. Life in its fullness will not open up to those who do not accept death.
Not wanting to die means not being able to live.
The course of life can be compared graphically with the trajectory of a projectile.
First it rises, reaches a zenith and falls until the original resting position is reached again. It is very difficult for us to remain calm and immovable in the face of any tragedy or trouble. In order to deal with crisis situations (crisis means nothing else than turning point) correctly and to be able to cope with them in a meaningful way, you have to be very active inside.
First, it is imperative to create a center of stillness within yourself.
Perhaps one can imagine that one has a small space inside oneself, a very intimate area that no one but ourselves has access to. It's a place where you really feel at home, where you feel safe and secure no matter what. If you are then overwhelmed by the events of life, if you have worries and problems that you do not feel up to, if you are stuck in the whirlpool of difficulties, then you can escape into this room and by closing the door behind you you realize , as the chaos, din and noise of the outside world suddenly ceases. Instead, it's quiet, peaceful, and safe here.
Great description of subjective circumstances, one has freed oneself from what creates suffering - one has become dispassionate. This is not passive suppression, but on the contrary, hard work.
In the peace of the interior one can then try to become master of the situation, to restore one's peace of mind, i.e. to achieve ataraxís. And when the inner balance is restored, one can start to cope with and process the stroke of fate or the problem.
It's not easy at all, it's an art and it takes discipline, concentration, patience and practice to learn it. In addition, one must have the unconditional desire and great interest in actively overcoming crises independently and not shifting the responsibility or indulge in weeping and wailing. Of course, there are always things that happen to us that we can't do anything about, we just have to come to terms with them.
For some it is not always easy, where possible always an incentive to research further or deeper problems? Elsewhere, Epictetus says: "Do not ask that everything happen as you want it to happen, but want everything to happen as it happens, and you will live in peace.
" Epictetus goes on to explain that we are to look at life as a game: “Note: you have a role to play in a play which the director determines. You have to play them whether the piece is long or short. If he gives you the role of a beggar, you must perform it according to the character of the role; likewise if you are to play a cripple, a ruler, or a Philistine.
Your task is solely to perform the assigned role well; choosing the role is not up to you.” What we have to learn is to recognize, develop and use the talents and abilities that we have inherited from fate. So everyone has to find their role that they can or should play in society.
It is important that we do not try to learn or do things by force, for which we have no ability, but that we accept and live the role assigned to us - without however (and this must always be emphasized!) setting aside one's own initiative and creativity permit. Well, that's just a subjective opinion.
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Please help this blog with your "solidarity", please share the posts, so you help everyone who finds help in the posts, thank you! Facebook punishes freedom of expression!
Yours sincerely, Nikita Noemi Rothenbachert
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