Informationen über das alltägliche von Selbstbestimmung und Persönlichkeits_Entfaltung!
Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2023
The example of the right-wing extremist AfD party in Germany shows this epidemic spread all over the world!
The right-wing extremist - politician and how did it come to this? Everyone is looking for explanations, except SPECULATIONS and assumptions, no explanation for the current upswing of dangerous right-wing extremists in the Bundestag, more than 20% and more in the population!
The mushroom kingdom is amazing to show the strategy of the People's Party "AfD" a little easier to the general public where possible through nature also pictorially! Let's assume the insect is our "democracy" free to do what is appropriate! The mushroom is the alleged "People's Party AfD" and the system or strategy through populism and manipulation! This is a fungus of the genus Cordyceps, they are found in different parts of the world and are notable for their kinship with insects and other arthropods. They are known for their ability to parasitize their hosts and manipulate their behavior in incredible ways. One of the most outstanding features of Cordyceps is their unique life cycle. The story begins when the spores land on an insect or arthropod, such as an ant, cricket, or larva. The spores germinate and enter the host's body, where they begin to grow and develop. As it grows in the host, an amazing transformation takes place. The fungus secretes chemicals that affect the insect's nervous system and alter its behavior. Instead of leading a normal life, the host infected with Cordyceps is driven to climb high places that favor the growth of the fungus. Once the host reaches the right location, the Cordyceps completes its development and exits the insect's body in the form of a stalk-like structure. Known as the "spike," this structure is the visible part of the fungus and contains the spores that are released to infect new hosts. Then the cycle repeats itself. Nature answers facts in politics, which many studied politicians cannot explain, although it is obvious!
If you consider that for AfD women are "giving machines and submissive, it depends on domestic violence what time AfD - People's Party was up 78% means 430 domestic violence crimes every day!
My regards to my critics, I respect you like others, I learn from criticism every day, regards
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