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Dienstag, 22. August 2023
Verschwörungstheorien verbreiten sich vor allem in sozialen Netzwerken. Die Radikalisierung verläuft dabei in vier Stufen. //This is how conspiracy believers radicalize themselves in social networks Conspiracy theories spread mainly in social networks. Radicalization proceeds in four stages.
Verschwörungstheorien verbreiten sich vor allem in sozialen Netzwerken. Die Radikalisierung verläuft dabei in vier Stufen.
This is how conspiracy believers radicalize themselves in social networks Conspiracy theories spread mainly in social networks.
Radicalization proceeds in four stages. Lille (France). In recent years, various studies have dealt with conspiracy theories and discovered, for example, that these also influence people who do not believe in them and that conspiracy believers often have a striking combination of character traits and personal motivation. Researchers led by the information scientist Christine Abdalla Mikhaeil from the IESEG School of Management have now analyzed how conspiracy theories spread in social networks such as Facebook and Twitter and how the process of radicalization works. According to their publication in Information Systems Journal, they were able to identify four stages.
The four stages of radicalization in social networks Stage 1 (Affirmation) - People first research social media, forums and various press outlets to find content that supports their opinion or view. Stage 2 (Affirmation) - The next step is to filter out specific information while ignoring others, designed to reinforce and reinforce one's view or opinion.Stage 3 (Controlling the Information Environment) - In order to maintain the identity and belief thus formed, conspiracy believers limit their sources of information. This may include paying little attention to counter-arguments, questioning critics, or deliberately ignoring or marginalizing certain individuals and their opinions. Stage 4 (Staging) - Ultimately, there is an identity expression in which the identity developed throughout the process is staged and highlighted. This includes not only presenting that identity to the outside world, but also trying to attract like-minded people and build a community of followers. "These phases form a spiral loop that reinforces a shared conspiratorial social identity and allows for potential escalation to the point of radicalization." Conspiracy theories are complex According to Mikhaeil, conspiracy theories and social networks are complex phantoms that cannot simply be classified as black and white. Extreme examples show deep-rooted societal challenges, such as exclusion, that social media can potentially exacerbate. "We have terrifying examples like Pizzagate or the storming of the Capitol on January 6, but we also have great examples of solidarity and emancipation online." Mikhaeil is convinced that social networks in their current form are not generally problematic. She recalled that in the early 2010s the internet was the scene of outstanding moments of empowerment, solidarity and liberation.
She refers to the online campaigns after the flood disasters in Thailand in 2011 and the attacks in Mumbai in 2008. "Social media is what we make of it." Now reading that on this blog, amazing isn't it! But as an "activist" not welcome, we speak plain language, neutral, spread information for you!
Over 3,000,000 have visited this blog, it's a dictionary of posts for over 1 decade! WE ARE RESTRICTED FROM SPREADING OUR INFORMATION, NOW IT DEPENDS ON YOUR SOLDARITY.
PLEASE "Share and spread. Thank you kind regards Nikita Noemi
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