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Geschrieben und Bearbeitet von Nikita Noemi Rothenbächer 2013
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Acht Burschen schlugen Transsexuellen nieder
"Du deppate Schwuchtel" war das Letzte was Niki P.
(19) hörte, bevor ihm die Fäuste um die Ohren flogen und das Blut aus seiner
Nase spritzte. Acht Jugendliche gingen letzten Donnerstagabend in der
Straßenbahnstation Matzleinsdorfer Platz auf ihn und seinen Freund los.
Grund: Niki ist transsexuell und war in Frauenkleidung
unterwegs. Das war für die Burschen offenbar genug "Provokation", um
ihn krankenhausreif zu schlagen. Als sein Freund die Polizei rief, flüchteten
die feigen Prügler. "Mein Oberkiefer lag auf meiner Zunge", erzählt
Niki P. noch immer unter Schock. "Dass wegen meines Aussehens getuschelt
wird, kenne ich. Aber mit so was hätte ich nie gerechnet."
Niki wurde zuerst ins Wilhelminenspital, dann ins AKH auf
die Kieferchirurgie gebracht und sofort operiert. Er ist noch mindestens sechs
Wochen im Krankenstand. Nikis Peiniger konnten entkommen.
Nun meine lieben Leser meine Damen und Herren
Was hier Berichtet wird ist nur eine Tatsache welche in
unserer Nachbarschaft geschieht oder vorgefallen ist!
Atme, veröffentlichte diesen Link:
Nun man sollte es gelesen haben, jedoch mit Lesen kommen wir
kaum weiter, denn wenn auch die Transgender Gemeinschaft liest, sich Informiert
und zusammen mit vielen Vereinen und SHG Protokolle und Forderungen ausarbeitet,
ist das Problem nicht behoben!
Wir lesen es zwar, jedoch diese Information geht in dieser
Welt weite Bürokratie wie vieles andere unter, nur diese welche Interesse zeigen,
haben wo möglich dann auch Zugang zu der Information!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
before I
start to speak about the situation of transsexual people not only in Germany
let me begin with some thoughts about human rights.
Here’s some
quotes from Hannah Arendt’s famous book „Origins of Totalitarianism“:
“The Rights
of Man”, writes Arendt, were “defined as ‘inalienable’ because they were supposed to be independent of all
governments; but it turned out that the moment human beings lacked their own
government and had to fall back upon their minimum rights, no authority was
left to protect them and no institution was willing to guarantee them.”
She argued
that, although the liberal state professes to protect and value the rights of
man, in reality it only protects the rights of citizen-members.
In Germany
we have a dark history, when the Nazis began to denationalize parts of society.
It began
with defining people as non-existant.
There’s a
simple rule: If you want to control people you have to control the identification-papers.
In Germany
and many other States around the globe transsexual people do have the status of
non-existant persons.
and Politicians still define transsexual women as „men who feel like women“ or
„men who do have a female gender identity“ (what they call „transgender“).
Transsexual men are defined as „women who feel like men“ or „women who have a
male gender identity“.
But who on
earth has the right to define what a „female“ or „male“ gender identity is?
Does a
female „gender identity“ mean to wear a skirt or high-heels an a male „gender
identity“ to became an worker at a construction site?
Let me make
clear that, when I speak about transsexual people, I do not speak about
transgender. I speak about diversity of human nature not about norms of society.
Please recognize that gender and sex are two different kind of things and each
of this two words does mean something different.
transsexual person doesn’t need society to be transsexual.
people do exist. Maybe Hannah Arendt was right that there has to be a civil
status on paper, some kind of proof that a person really exists before he can be
protected against human rights violations.
But I speak
to you as a person who has no such proof.
My legal
papers say I am a man and not a woman. The cynical thing is, that in Germany I
only would get legal papers who could give me the protection that I would need,
only after I would be able to deny myself.
There are
psycho-sexologists who force transsexual women to agree with a diagnosis that
says „This is a man with a Gender Dysphoria“ and there are Judges who decides
on the legal status based on this diagnosis.
people are existant. And we urge the United Nations to call upon the States to
give transsexual people the chance to change their legal papers and gender-status
without any requirements.
In 2009 the
CEDAW-comitee argued that it is a paradox that a transsexual woman firstly has
to agree that she is a „man who wants to live in the female gender role“ before
she can correct her papers.
Yes, in 2011
the Constitutional Court stopped the practise that there has to be a surgery as
requirement to correct the legal papers but at the same time it strengthen the idea
of a „Gender Identity Disorder“. So the Court writes:
adjustment of the external appearance and adaptation of the behaviour pattern
to the felt gender is necessary if a person wants to live in the other gender.
This is
caused first only by suitable clothes, presentation and appearance manner to
test in the everyday life whether a lasting change of the gender role can be
mastered psychically generally.“
What is it
other than the force to fulfill gender-stereotypes? This still is the legal situation
in Germany.
the United Nations called upon the Government in Germany to get in contact with
us, and still nothing happened. Maybe they know, that people who do not have
the papers that can attest their existence are in a situation of legal slavery
and do not have legal instruments to fight back.
We hope
that the United Nations could stop this slavery.
- We call
upon Germany to stop reparative therapy on transsexual children.
If for example
a transsexual girl says „I am a girl“ she is not a „biological boy with Gender
Dysphoria“. She is a girl. (The same vice versa) Transsexual children also need
protection against their parents, too. If they want to change their gender
status no one has the right to forbid that.
- We call
upon Germany to stop the German Law Of Transsexuals and to give people the
change to change their legal documents and gender markers without any
- We call
upon Germany to stop the usage of psycho-diagnoses like „Gender Identity
Disorder“ or „Gender Dysphoria“.
illness does not exist.
- We call
upon Germany to recognize that transsexual people do exist and that there’s a
need to extend the acronym LGBT with another, a second T, as a a sign for
visibility of diversity.
We know
that intersexual people do have the same wish to add an I. Please use the term
LGBTTI as an offical term in UN-documents.
people do exist.
Thank you.
Zur Erinnerung: Nach dem heutigen Stand der Wissenschaft ist
Transsexualität mit allerhöchster Wahrscheinlichkeit angeboren. Nach
allerhöchster Wahrscheinlichkeit besitzen
transsexuelle Frauen ein (anatomisch) weibliches Gehirn und
männliche Gonaden. Dass das
Gehirn von transsexuellen Frauen nicht nur wie ein
weibliches Gehirn aussieht, sondern sich
auch wie ein solches verhält, wurde in vielen Studien immer
wieder gezeigt.
Wenn diesem nun so ist meine Damen und Herren, muss mit
Ihrer Hilfe etwas viel Drastisches passieren gegen solche Vorfälle wie am
Anfang dieses Berichtes geschildert, nicht eine Transsexuelle wurde geschlafen,
sondern ein vollwertiger Mensch!
Diskriminierend ist dann schon die Überschrift. „Acht
Burschen schlugen Transsexuellen nieder“!
Denn Richtig wäre, „Acht Burschen schlugen harmlosen unbescholtenen
Menschen nieder „!
Verbleibe mit freundlichen Grüßen
Nikita Noemi Rothenbächer
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