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Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2023
Der Christliche Staat USA mit Ron DeSantis oder Donald Trump subjektiv Menschenrechts-Verachter und Diktatoren. ///The Christian State USA with Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump subjectively despisers of human rights and dictators!
Christian State USA Politics can only tolerate as much religion as the unbeliever can accept Governing according to the gospel – Luther was already certain that this is not possible in this world. For Nietzsche, Christian politics was "shamelessness." How suitable is the morality of Christianity for everyday use? Sorry Ron DeSantis Your Laws Violate General Human Rights! Some questions are of such vital importance to humanity that they open a dialogue that has spanned thousands of years. One of these timeless questions is undoubtedly that of the ideal conditions of human communities. What moral values and norms does a society need to ensure peaceful coexistence? Different cultures have given different answers over the course of history, and religions have almost always played a decisive role as providers of meaning and values. Ethics has a prominent position, especially in the monotheistic doctrines of faith, as it is regarded as a direct expression of the divine will. The idea that there can be no other authority than that of the Most High in moral matters is therefore obvious and is clearly expressed for Christianity by Paul in the letter to the Romans: "Everything that is not of faith is sin." It was only the European Enlightenment that, on the basis of reason and against numerous religious resistances, helped the idea to break through that there could also be "virtuous atheists" and that people without religion did not necessarily have to fall into barbarism. A consequence of this knowledge and the increasing secularization of society was the demand that the political order must be based on principles that all citizens - believers and non-believers - were able to understand. This reveals the now widespread notion that a certain political agenda can be legitimized with the Christian religion. However, the demand for a policy that measures itself against the message of Christianity, as expressed by the former German Labor and Social Affairs Minister Norbert Blüm, is the answer to questions that have not yet been asked in the debate to date: Are the Christian ideals suitable as political guidelines at all? And how legitimate is a religion-based policy in a secular society? Sorry Ron DeSantis with the Sermon on the Mount, meaning: the absolute ethics of the gospel, it is a more serious matter than those who like to quote these commandments today believe. She's not to be trifled with." The sociologist therefore wants to show what consequences would result from a consistent implementation of Christian ethics in politics. He comes to the conclusion that the absoluteness of the New Testament commandments must lead to a political dogmatism - since these ask neither about the circumstances nor about the consequences, but claim unconditional validity. To put it bluntly and clearly, people like D. TRUMP or you Mr. Ron DeSantis want to introduce a government policy with false hate reports such as discrimination and violence, which can rather be described as autocratic or dictatorship! For me, that means subjectively, people like these are simply "bastards" who, without society or knowledge of human nature, put their faith before politics! All those who cannot convince you and others become public enemies! Let's hope worldwide that right-wing radicals like Hasser will never again be able to use the democratic stage to spread lies such as discrimination and violence! Mfg activist for human rights Because Christian politics, understood as a compulsion to act in a morally impeccable manner, ultimately cannot do justice to the bitter reality that the preservation of the good sometimes requires morally questionable means. Nikita Noemi Rothenbacher
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