"Wenn man mir sagt, ich sei eine starke Persönlichkeit, sage ich: Ich bin deshalb stark, weil ich es überwunden habe, Angst zu haben."
Ich mag sentimentale Menschen, die Vernunft nicht vom Herzen trennen. Der gleichzeitig fühlt und denkt. Ohne den Kopf vom Körper zu trennen, noch die Emotionen von der Vernunft.
" Verantwortungen zu meiden, die in der Verantwortung jedes Einzelnen liegen, keine Selbstkritik zu üben und vollendete Fehler zu leugnen, indem man andere für ihr eigenes Versagen verantwortlich macht, ist der Auftakt zu größeren Katastrophen, denn nur durch die Akzeptanz der begangenen Fehler können spätere Rückschläge vermieden werden."

In a hundred men we will hardly find a single one who would be worth starting a discussion. As for the others, you have to let them say what's on their mind, because it's a man's right to be an idiot. "When people tell me I'm strong, I say I'm strong because I've overcome fear." I like sentimental people who don't separate reason from heart. Who feels and thinks at the same time. Without separating the head from the body, nor the emotions from reason. "Shunning responsibilities that are everyone's responsibility, refraining from self-criticism, and denying accomplished mistakes by blaming others for their own failures is the prelude to greater disasters, for only by accepting the mistakes made can later ones Setbacks are avoided." The question of free will marks a new climax in the debate between natural and human sciences. What is truth, what does reality really look like and are there miracles or is our life determined by chance? I used to think time was a thief stealing everything I loved. Now I understand that time gives before it takes away. And every day is a gift, every hour, every minute, every second.” "If someone tells you that the soul perishes with the body, and that what once dead, never comes back, tell him: "The flower perishes, but the seed remains and lies before us, mysterious, like the eternity of life." Because if someone is looking for you with words, it's because you know how to listen. When someone with secrets is looking for you, it's because you inspire TRUST. If someone is looking for you thirsty, it's because you have WATER. If someone is desperately looking for you, it's because you have CALM. If someone is looking for you through tears, it's because you're comforting. If someone is looking for you in fear, it is because you are CALM. If someone with doubts is looking for you, it is because you know the WAY. Everything happens for a reason and THAT SOMETHING makes you grow. We are who we are thanks to THAT SOMETHING we call coincidence. Take advantage of what life gives you, because when it gives you it, it's for a reason. There is no coincidence. Remember, YOU have magic and your world inspires. Ernest Hemingway, opined on this. "When people face the world with such courage, the only way the world can break them is to kill them. And of course it kills her. The world breaks some, and in the majority, lime forms at the point of fracture; But those who don't want to be broken then, the world kills them. It indiscriminately kills the very good, the very cute, and the very brave. If you don't belong, it will kill you too, but in this case it will take longer." Have a nice day

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