Informationen über das alltägliche von Selbstbestimmung und Persönlichkeits_Entfaltung!
Freitag, 11. August 2023
What is not understood by democrats, not only nationally but internationally, the "right-wing extremists - personalities financed by ideology with a lot of money! /// Was von Demokraten nicht Verstanden wird, das nicht nur National sondern International, das "Rechtsextreme - Persönlichkeiten finanziert durch Idologie mit sehr viel Geld!
Was von Demokraten nicht Verstanden wird, das nicht nur National sondern International, das "Rechtsextreme - Persönlichkeiten finanziert durch Idologie mit sehr viel Geld!
Einer der ersten Punkte der Deutschen-Verfassung sind die Menschen-Rechte!
Diese jedoch werden "subjektiv von einem Landes-Verräter" angespornt mit einem Lügen Maul, wie es nur in der US möglich ist!
Man fragt sich, nach dem US - Bürger sich über Jahre in Grund und Boden arbeiten um dem Nachwuchs eine wo mögliche Möglichkeit zur Chance des Aufstieges zu geben!
Diesen Respekt vor der USA als Vorbild der Weltweiten Demokratien ist beschädigt duch diese Rechtsextreme - Politischen kleinen gerne groß, welche denken, "Sie stehen über Gott und jeglichen Institutionen", nun Fakt ist Geld nimmt keiner mit!
Nur wer Böses Vor hat, will die Öffentlichen-Medien kontrollieren oder Manipulieren, das fand in der US statt, die Söhne riefen Öffentlichkeitswirksam zum Sturm des Kapitol es auf!
Dieser Fakt ist Aufgezeichnet in TV - Reportagen welche die US nicht kontrollieren konnte!
What is not understood by democrats, not only nationally but internationally, the "right-wing extremists - personalities financed by ideology with a lot of money! One of the first points of the German constitution are human rights! These, however, are "subjectively spurred on by a country traitor" with a mouth of lies that is only possible in the US! One wonders after the US citizens have been working on the ground for years to give the offspring a chance to advance where possible! This respect for the USA as a model for global democracies is damaged by these right-wing extremists - political little ones who think big, who think "they are above God and all institutions", well the fact is nobody takes money with them! Only those who have evil intentions want to control or manipulate the public media, that took place in the US, the sons publicly called for the storming of the Capitol! This fact is recorded in TV reports that the US could not control!
If you really want to be proud of your own people, you should become a beekeeper.
All other roads lead to hate instead of honey.
There are no brave human beings to start with. Courage is born of fear. You discover yourself through testing."
The tolerance paradox comes into play when a tolerant power, because of its tolerance, allows or enables intolerant forces to limit or abolish its own tolerance. The philosopher Karl Popper first described the paradox in his 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies, Volume 1. Popper defined a person or group as intolerant according to the following characteristics: Denial of a rational discourse. Inciting and using violence against dissidents and adherents of other ideologies.
In the case of intolerant people, Popper distinguished two categories: First Degree Intolerance: Intolerant of a person's manners and customs because they are alien. Second Degree Intolerance: Intolerant of a person's manners and customs because they are intolerant and dangerous.
Popper therefore rejected universal tolerance: “Less known is the paradox of tolerance: unrestricted tolerance necessarily leads to the disappearance of tolerance. Because if we extend unlimited tolerance even to the intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the attacks of intolerance, then the tolerant will be destroyed and tolerance with them.”
However, since we as humans are not capable of knowing the true motives of our counterparts, a fundamental, insoluble problem now arises: It is difficult for an outsider to distinguish whether a person who expresses intolerantness belongs to the first or second degree .
The use of intolerance in the name of tolerance should therefore be used with caution and only as a last resort. "I don't mean to say that we B. Intolerant philosophies should by all means be violently suppressed; as long as we can get at them through rational arguments and as long as we can restrain them with public opinion, their suppression would surely be most unreasonable.
But we should claim the right to suppress them by force if necessary, because their representatives can easily turn out to be unwilling to meet with us on the level of rational discussion and start arguing as to discard such; they can forbid their followers to listen to rational arguments - what they call a ruse - and they may advise them to answer arguments with fists and pistols.
We should therefore, in the name of tolerance, claim the right not to tolerate the intolerable.
We should assert that any movement that preaches intolerance is outside the law, and we should treat incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal as incitement to murder, robbery, or reinstate the slave trade.” Karl Popper (born July 28, 1902 in Vienna; † September 17, 1994 in London) was an Austro-British philosopher who founded critical rationalism with his work on epistemology and philosophy of science, social and historical philosophy and political philosophy.
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